Saturday 18 December 2010

Me at cricet match

Pic during our first match

Technopark roundabout

A view from the top of tejaswini building

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Block unethickal sites using free Microsoft software

Please save our kids and ourselves by installing this free Microsoft software from unethical websites.

Monday 13 December 2010

Delete Joomla sample data using SQL

Please take a backup of the database if you have any reusable data in tables.

This is the screen shot after a fresh installation of Joomla.

After executing the following query , the page will look like this.

Remeber if you had entered any additional data other than default , then it may deleted.

Run the following SQL queries.

TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_banner`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_bannerclient`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_bannertrack`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_categories`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_content`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_content_frontpage`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_newsfeeds`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_polls`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_poll_data`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_poll_date`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_sections`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_weblinks`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_contact_details`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_menu`;
INSERT INTO `jos_menu` VALUES (1, 'mainmenu', 'Home', 'home', 'index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage', 'component', 1, 0, 20, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0, 0, 3, 'num_leading_articles=1\nnum_intro_articles=4\nnum_columns=2\nnum_links=4\norderby_pri=\norderby_sec=front\nshow_pagination=2\nshow_pagination_results=1\nshow_feed_link=1\nshow_noauth=\nshow_title=\nlink_titles=\nshow_intro=\nshow_section=\nlink_section=\nshow_category=\nlink_category=\nshow_author=\nshow_create_date=\nshow_modify_date=\nshow_item_navigation=\nshow_readmore=\nshow_vote=\nshow_icons=\nshow_pdf_icon=\nshow_print_icon=\nshow_email_icon=\nshow_hits=\nfeed_summary=\npage_title=\nshow_page_title=1\npageclass_sfx=\nmenu_image=-1\nsecure=0\n\n', 0, 0, 1);
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_modules`;

INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (1, 'Main Menu', '', 1, 'left', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, 'mod_mainmenu', 0, 0, 1, 'menutype=mainmenu\nmoduleclass_sfx=_menu\n', 1, 0, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (2, 'Login', '', 1, 'login', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, 'mod_login', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (3, 'Popular','',3,'cpanel',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_popular',0,2,1,'',0, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (4, 'Recent added Articles','',4,'cpanel',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_latest',0,2,1,'ordering=c_dsc\nuser_id=0\ncache=0\n\n',0, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (5, 'Menu Stats','',5,'cpanel',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_stats',0,2,1,'',0, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (6, 'Unread Messages','',1,'header',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_unread',0,2,1,'',1, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (7, 'Online Users','',2,'header',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_online',0,2,1,'',1, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (8, 'Toolbar','',1,'toolbar',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_toolbar',0,2,1,'',1, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (9, 'Quick Icons','',1,'icon',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_quickicon',0,2,1,'',1,1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (10, 'Logged in Users','',2,'cpanel',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',1,'mod_logged',0,2,1,'',0,1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (11, 'Footer', '', 0, 'footer', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, 'mod_footer', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (12, 'Admin Menu','', 1,'menu', 0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1,'mod_menu', 0, 2, 1, '', 0, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (13, 'Admin SubMenu','', 1,'submenu', 0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1,'mod_submenu', 0, 2, 1, '', 0, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (14, 'User Status','', 1,'status', 0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1,'mod_status', 0, 2, 1, '', 0, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `jos_modules` VALUES (15, 'Title','', 1,'title', 0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1,'mod_title', 0, 2, 1, '', 0, 1, '');

TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_modules_menu`;
INSERT INTO `jos_modules_menu` VALUES (1,0);
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_menu_types`;
INSERT INTO `jos_menu_types` VALUES (1, 'mainmenu', 'Main Menu', 'The main menu for the site');
TRUNCATE TABLE `jos_templates_menu`;

# Dumping data for table `jos_templates_menu`
INSERT INTO `jos_templates_menu` VALUES ('rhuk_milkyway', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `jos_templates_menu` VALUES ('khepri', '0', '1');